Energy Medicine with Katy
Energy Medicine with Katy
Rediscover Vitality

Awaken your inner healer

And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.
— Anais Nin

Take wellness into your own hands

We are constantly overloaded with stressors and challenges at work, in school, at home, and out in the world. This creates an imbalance in the body and mind, and issues like stress, anxiety, depression, and insomnia can rear their heads.

When this happens, we can feel alone — as if no one can truly see us for who we are. We are not operating at our highest level, we can feel stuck or panicked, and we may not feel like ourselves. This can be frustrating, lonely, and often debilitating.

We want to find a long-term solution to overcome and heal. We want to learn how to take our health, our wellness, into our own hands.

But how do we do this?

Let’s talk about energy

Our bodies each have their own electromagnetic field. This is our body’s life force — the energy within us and around us.

The energy fields of the body organize and move in patterns to feed and support our vitality, build our resilience, tell us when we are in danger, and help us feel joy.

When we are under a lot of stress, our energy can become depleted.

How I can help

Our bodies often tell us what we need. We just need to listen. As an energy detective, my work focuses on listening to your body’s needs, investigating the root cause, releasing the energy that no longer serves you and bringing your body into harmony. I help you balance your energy and awaken your inner healing system for more abundant health.

As a certified Clinical Practitioner of Eden Energy Medicine and a NIASZIIH healer in training, I provide private energy healing sessions and workshops to activate your body’s innate healing wisdom, move and re-pattern energy that no longer serves you, and bring in a new vibrancy and vitality to your mind, body, and spirit. Together we can rebuild and strengthen your foundational energy systems to enable healing and bring balance to your life.

Private energy sessions

  • In person — Sessions are 90 minutes, fully clothed and involve a combination of healing touch and work in the field around the body.

  • Online — Sessions are 90 minutes and take place on Zoom where I will teach you how to energy test yourself and guide you through self healing with assistance from me.

If you are interested in booking a session, but not sure yet if energy medicine is the right thing for you, I offer a free 15-minute phone consultation so we can get to know each other and talk about your needs.

Energy systems I work with:

  • Chakras

  • Aura

  • Electrics

  • Radiant Circuits

  • Celtic Weave

  • Triple Warmer

  • Meridians

  • Five Rhythms / Five Elements

Scheduling a session

Sessions are by appointment only, any day of the week. Give me a call or send a text to 425-466-0491.